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Resumen de Mª Rosa Garín Solé: pionera de la enfermería perfusionista en el Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau de Barcelona

Neus Buil Manzanares, Amalia Sillero Sillero, Lauriana María Lorenzo Vaquerizo, Paola Galbany i Estragués

  • español

    Objetivo: Describir la trayectoria profesional de la primera perfusionista del Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (HSCSP) de Barcelona, para contribuir a la recuperación de la memoria histórica de la profesión enfermera. Metodología: Relato de vida profesional, a partir de una entrevista en profundidad. Resultados: Estudió enfermería en la Cruz Roja (1952-1954) y se graduó como puericultora (1954). Aparcó los títulos y se dedicó a sus hijos, a la casa y a ayudar a su marido en una tienda. A los cuarenta años de edad se incorporó en Sant Pau como enfermera de anestesia y como ayudante del médico responsable de la circulación extracorpórea. Lideró el nuevo rol de enfermera perfusionista. Participó en el primer trasplante cardíaco en el HSCSP (1984), donde se jubiló diez años después. Fundó (1978) y presidió (1982-1986) la Asociación Española de Enfermeras Perfusionistas (AEP). En el 2006, la Generalitat de Catalunya le concedió la medalla del Presidente Francesc Macià. Conclusión: Lideró el rol de la perfusionista para mejorar la vida de la persona que pasa por una cirugía.

  • English

    Objective: To describe the professional career of the first perfusionist nurse at the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau in Barcelona, to contribute to the recovery of the historical memory of the nursing profession. Methods: Professional life story as a technique of the biographical method, from an in-depth interview. Results: Mª Rosa studied nursing at the Red Cross School of Hospitalet, Barcelona (1952-1954) and she also graduated as a child care nurse (1954) because she wanted to work with children. Like many women of her time, she put away her titles and dedicated herself to taking care of her children and doing housework, also helping her husband in the store that she ran. To add to the family economy, at the age of forty she began working at the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (HSCSP), first as an anesthesia nurse and later as an assistant to the doctor responsible for extracorporeal circulation (ECC), work that ended up assuming Since its inception, she has been part of the HSCSP Cardiac Surgery team, in which she led the new professional role of nurse perfusionist. As a perfusor, she participated in the first successful heart transplant in Spain, at the HSCSP (1984), where she retired ten years later. Always involved in the profession, she founded (1978) and chaired (1982-1986) the Spanish Association of Perfusionist Nurses (AEP). In 2006, the Generalitat de Catalunya awarded her the medal for the work of President Francesc Macià, for her effort, perseverance and spirit of initiative. Conclusions: During her professional life, Mª Rosa led the development of the role of the perfusionist nurse in order to improve the quality of life of the person undergoing cardiac surgery.

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