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Resumen de Estudios sobre algas industrializables en España. Parte I. Contribución al conocimiento de la estructura microscópica de los filoides fértiles de "Gelidium Sesquipedale" (Clem.) Born. et Thur.: N.º 250

Antonio Alvárez, Marcos Caloca, Roberto Gancedo, Concha Mosquera de Arancibia, Juan Manuel Salinas

  • This work was carried out with Gelidium sesquipedale from 8 meter depth off the coast of La Coruña (NW Spain).

    Inmediately it was taken in dark bags to the laboratory. There the form and rhythm of the spores dissemination were studied artificially alternating the periods light- darkness.

    Microscopical and photographical studies were made "in vitro". Because of that the photographies are not son neat as we wished. Nevertheless, it allowed us to directly observe the spores dissemination.

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