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Resumen de All that Glitters is not Gold: Unveiling Iran’s Economic Recovery

Irene Martínez

  • Due to its “potential” to become the pivot for China, Central Asia and the Middle East, the government has been lavishly promoting the idea of a “promising” future for its citizens.

    Iranian society, drained from the never-ending economic embargo, had clutched at straws and massively supported the craftsmen that lead to a resolution, regardless of anything.

    Forecasts predict a continuous positive trend in the upcoming years. However, when the oil sector is excluded from these calculations, the numbers are not that appealing The rigidities of the economy are not being confronted, or if they are, aggregate solutions are not being put in place.

    The way Ahmadinejad managed to reduce inequality was a strategy of feast today, famine tomorrow which became a massive burden for the Rouhani administration once it got into power.

    In order to really tackle the problems arising from the financial system, the government will have to implement serious and sound reforms.

    The Iranian style of crony capitalism has designed institutions officially or unofficially related to political, military and religious power axes that have been completely outside any regulatory oversight.

    The bicephalous nature of political power in Iran has been replicated in its economic power structure.

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