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Resumen de La laicità come principio e la laicità come metodo: i nuovi orizzonti dell’applicazione ‘mite’ di un principio supremo. Prime riflessioni a margine della sentenza n. 24414/2021 delle Sezioni unite della Corte di Cassazione

Daniele Ferrari

  • The goal of this paper is to provide a critical analysis of judgment no. 24414 of 2021 of the Joint Sections of the Italian Court of Cassation. Towards that end, the trajectory underlying this work first investigates the application of the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of religion, to then explore the relationship between secularism and non-discrimination. As will be seen, this methodological approach makes it possible to mobilise some innovative aspects of the judgment, in particular as regards to 1) the interpretation of art. 118 of royal decree n. 965 of 1924; 2) the “non-compulsory” display of crucifixes in classrooms; 3) a new construction of the principle of secularism as a method; 4) the articulation of the principle of non-discrimination based on religion in connection with the most recent case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (cjeu) and 5) the balance between secularism and the principle of non-discrimination based on religion

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