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Resumen de Lo “spazio” del diritto penale fra soprannazionalità (dell’Unione europea) e nazionalismo (italiano) alla luce della controversa vicenda “Qatargate”

Nicoletta Parisi, Dino Rinoldi

  • Pursuant to Protocol no. 2 annexed to the Union Treaties the Italian Parliament activated its competence to intervene regarding the proposal for a directive presented by the European Commission as part of a "package" designed, among other things, to react to problems raised by the Qatargate case. In particular, the proposed directive has been unexpectedly criticized in Parliament because of its incursions into the criminal field, considered ultraneous by the majority of the “Politiche dell’Unione europea” Commission of the Chamber of Deputies. The contribution underlines the wide competences of the European Union, which legitimize its exercise in the field of combating corruption as a “particularly serious criminal conduct” of transnational dimension, while not neglecting the need to proceed with corrections of the proposal within the context of the process of adopting the European directive.

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