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Resumen de Ikasleak Wikipedian editore izatearen onurak ikasketa prozesuan

Eneko Bidegain Aire, Idurre Alonso Amezua, Jon Mentxakatorre Odriozola

  • English

    It is common for students to use Wikipedia for their work, either as a source of information or by copying it directly. In this study, an experiment was carried out with first-year university audiovisual degree students for four consecutive years; they started working as Wikipedia editors in Basque as a method for developing the skills to be worked on in a subject. Among them, they have created or developed 412 in-depth articles. Once the exercise was over, in the questionnaire given to the pupils, and according to the interview with some pupils and teachers, this exercise has helped them to work on different skills, including written communication and documentation work. The fact that it has been made public has generated motivation and responsibility on the part of the students. When editing Wikipedia articles, students have worked with greater responsibility and depth, understanding the importance of working with reliable sources.

  • euskara

    Ohikoa da ikasleek Wikipedia erabiltzea lanak egiteko, informazio iturri gisa edota zuzenean kopiatuta. Ikerketa honetan esperimentu bat egin da unibertsitateko ikus-entzunezko graduko lehen urtekoekin, lau urtez jarraian: euskarazko Wikipediako editore lanetan jarri dira, ikasgaietako batean landu beharreko konpetentziak garatzeko metodo gisa. Denen artean 412 artikulu sakon sortu edo garatu dituzte. Ariketa bukatu ondoren ikasleei pasatako galdetegian, eta ikasle batzuei eta irakasleei egindako elkarrizketan jaso denaren arabera, ariketa horrek balio izan die hainbat konpetentzia lantzeko, besteak beste idatzizko komunikazioa eta dokumentazio lana. Publikoki agertutako lana izateak ikasleen motibazioa eta erantzukizuna eragin ditu. Wikipediako artikuluak editatzerakoan, ikasleek ardura handiagorekin eta sakontasunez lan egin dute, eta ulertu dute zein garrantzitsua den iturri fidagarriekin lan egitea.

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