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Resumen de C-V model of CdS/CdTe thin-film solar cells dependent on applied voltage frequency (5 pages)

P.A. Hernández León, F.L. Castillo Alvarado, A. González Cisneros, A.A. Durán Ledezma

  • In CdS/CdTe solar cells, the dependence on the frequency of the applied voltage is essential to improve theoretical results. Our model considers the conservation of energy and charge, a ternary layer, and the existence of plasmons at the interface. As a result, the capacitance depends on the frequency of the induced field in the heterojunction. Likewise, a plasmon at the interface on the surface semiconductor was formed. Finally, the findings provided with the theoretical model and the experimental data were compared, and a better adjustment was obtained.

Fundación Dialnet

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