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Resumen de Innovación educativa y su incidencia en el profesorado

Ruth Enriqueta Páez Granja, Ana Beatriz Martínez González

  • español

    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo el análisis de los procesos de cambio e innovación en la educación y su incidencia en el profesorado. El tema adquiere particular relevancia debido a que la educación superior en Ecuador está pasando por importantes procesos de transformación que ameritan revisar los contenidos curriculares y la metodología de enseñanza, aspectos fundamentales que subyacen en todo proceso de innovación o cambio educativo y la adaptación del profesorado a estos.  La metodología del presente trabajo consistió en el análisis de los principales postulados de Fullan (2002-2012), Havelock y Huberman (1980), Rutherford y Hall (1990), Rogers (2003), Marcelo (1995-2010), entre otros, que se han dedicado al estudio de los procesos de cambio en el contexto educativo y su impacto en el profesorado. Como resultado de este estudio se identifica como factor fundamental la participación proactiva de los docentes en la construcción y fortalecimiento de los procesos de innovación para la formación integral de los ciudadanos en un marco de compromiso social y ético con la educación en todos sus niveles. El trabajo concluye con un cuerpo de recomendaciones que supone, entre otras, la necesidad de involucrar al profesorado desde el inicio en los procesos de transformación educativa a través de programas de sensibilización, formación y acompañamiento.

    The purpose of this article is to analyze the processes of change and innovation in education and its impact on professors. The issue acquires relevance since higher education in Ecuador is going through an important transformation processes that merit reviewing the fundamental aspects that underlie any process of innovation or educational change and the adaptation of professors to these processes. The methodology consisted in the analysis of the main postulates of Fullan, Havelock, Huberman, Rutherford, Hall, Rogers, Hord, Marcelo, among others, that have been devoted to the study of the impact of the processes of change in the teaching staff. As a result of this study, they identify the substantial aspects that connote the processes of change or educational innovation in order to establish strategies that guarantee the proactive participation of teachers in the construction and strengthening of innovation processes, leading to individual and comprehensive training in a framework of social and ethical commitment with education at all levels. The work concludes with a body of recommendations that suppose, among others, the need to involve teachers from the beginning in the processes of educational transformation.

  • English

    The purpose of this article is to analyze the processes of change and innovation in education and its impact on professors. The topic is relevant since higher education in Ecuador is going through an important transformation process that requires reviewing the curriculum content and the teaching methodology, key aspects that underlie any process of innovation or educational change and the adaptation of professors to these processes. The methodology consisted in the analysis of the main postulates of Fullan (2002-2012), Havelock and Huberman (1980), Rutherford and Hall (1990), Rogers (2003), Marcelo (1995-2010), among others, devoted to the impact of the processes of change in professors. As a result of this study, the proactive participation of teachers in the construction and strengthening of innovation processes is identified for the integral formation of citizens with a social and ethical commitment to the education at all levels. The work concludes with recommendations that implies the need to involve teachers from the beginning in the processes of educational transformation through awareness-raising, training and accompaniment programs.

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