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Resumen de Regional political representation in the Spanish Monarchy during the Ancien Regimé: the Junta General of the Kingdom of Galicia

Manuel María de Artaza Montero

  • The Junta General of the Kingdom of Galicia was one of the representative assemblies that served the Spanish kings in governing their vast monarchy during the Ancien Regime. The Junta was born in the first quarter of the sixteenth century and disappeared in 1834 when the moderate liberals came to power. In spite of its long existence and its considerable services to the monarchs in granting them fiscal and military aid from the Galician provinces, few scholars have paid attention to the Junta, so that nowadays this assembly is hardly known beyond a few academics. Furthermore, the role and the significance of the Junta have been misunderstood. In the following pages, Manuel María dc Artaza attempts to explain the causes of these problems, as well as the origins of this institution in order to demonstrate that, along with the other representative assemblies of the time, its main purpose was to serve the king.

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