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Resumen de Introducing a Holistic Scientific Inquiry-Supported Classroom Observation Protocol

Ayse Oguz-Unver, H. Z. Okulu, B Senler, S Arabacioglu, Y. Ozdem Yilmaz, N Muslu

  • This study is aimed to introduce themain topics and theoretical framework of holisticScientific Inquiry-Supported ClassroomObservation Protocol (SISCOP). A group ofresearchers who are worked under a ScientificTechnological Research Project SupportProgram developed the protocol. The purpose ofthe observation protocol is to identify a teacher’sfamiliarity with the nature of scientific inquiry,reveal their strengths and provide evidence forattributes that need development. In thiscontext, the Protocol determines the connectionbetween the lesson conducted by teachers intheir classrooms with the nature of scientificinquiry, primarily through the themes ofclassroom environment, supportinginvestigation and classroom communication.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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