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Resumen de El Sòcrates de Llorenç Villalonga: La "Xantipa"

Eloi Creus

  • Llorenç Villalonga is, undoubtedly, one of the most important narrators in Catalan literature. Although he was not an erudite writer as Costa i Llobera or Llorenç Riber were, his literary production is full of mentions of the classics, and at least four of his works are clearly based on the classical tradition. Nevertheless, it has been proved that Villalonga did not read the classics directly, but that he knew them through French influence. In this paper we study the figure of Socrates, who is constantly present in Villalonga’s works, through the short story La Xantipa, focused on the wife of the Athenian philosopher, which is an exception in the production of Mort de Dama’s author, since it is almost the only example we have in which the reading of a Greek text, Plato’s Protagoras, is self-evident.

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