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Resumen de Programa comedores comunitarios de la cruzada nacional contra el hambre. el asunto de la participación ciudadana

Daniel Campuzano Martínez

  • español

    El presente artículo es producto de una revisión bibliográfica, cuyo objetivo consistió en conocer cuáles han sido los mecanismos de participación y construcción ciudadana a partir de la implementación del programa Comedores Comunitarios que forma parte de la estrategia federal denominada Cruzada Nacional contra el Hambre. Se aplicó el método de análisis, con un enfoque cualitativo, diseño no experimental, bajo un nivel documental-bibliográfico transversal. Tras la revisión documental de un estudio de caso se encontró que: existe un problema alimentario que se contrasta en el artículo con la posición oficial con parámetros de investigadores y críticos entorno a este fenómeno social en los tópicos de ciudadanía y participación ciudadana; asimismo, se describe los objetivos y propósitos de la Cruzada y del programa Comedores Comunitarios con el fin de conocer si existe un contraste entre su formulación y su implementación.Palabras clave: Ciudadanía, Comedores Comunitarios, Cruzada, Participación ciudadana, Política social.AbstractThis article is the product of a literature review, whose aim consisted in knowing what the civic engagement and building mechanisms have been from the implementation of the Soup Kitchens Program that is part of the federal strategy called National Crusade Against hunger. The method of analysis was applied with a qualitative approach, non-experimental design, under a documentary-literature cross sectional level. After the documentary review of a case study, it was found that: there is a food problem that is contrasted in the article with the formal position of the researchers and critics parameters around this social phenomenon in the topics of citizenship and civic engagement; likewise, the goals and proposes of the Crusade and the Soup Kitchens Program are described  n order to know if there is a contrast between the formulation and the implementation.Key words: Citizenship, Soup Kitchens, Crusade, Civic Engagement, Social Policy.

  • English

    This article is the product of a literature review, whose aim consisted in knowing what the civic engagement and building mechanisms have been from the implementation of the Soup Kitchens Program that is part of the federal strategy called National Crusade Against hunger. The method of analysis was applied with a qualitative approach, non-experimental design, under a documentary-literature cross sectional level. After the documentary review of a case study, it was found that: there is a food problem that is contrasted in the article with the formal position of the researchers and critics parameters around this social phenomenon in the topics of citizenship and civic engagement; likewise, the goals and proposes of the Crusade and the Soup Kitchens Program are described in order to know if there is a contrast between the formulation and the implementation.  Key words: Citizenship, Soup Kitchens, Crusade, Civic Engagement, Social Policy.

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