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Resumen de Conducta suicida y los parámetros acústicos de la voz y el habla. Revisión sistemática

Nicole Coliñir Olea, Carla Figueroa Saavedra, Gerson Jara Cabrera

  • español

    El suicidio es un problema de salud a nivel mundial. Si bien existe literatura que ha abordado distintas perspectivas de la conducta y riesgo suicida, se requiere ahondar en nuevos métodos que permitan su valoración. Es por ello que se buscó evaluar a través de la literatura la utilidad de las medidas de voz y de habla en la detección y seguimiento de la conducta suicida. Esto se realizó mediante una búsqueda de literatura científica en diferentes bases de datos. Dentro de los resultados obtenidos fue posible observar que las tareas más utilizadas para evaluar voz y habla en la conducta y riesgo suicida, son las de libre expresión como la entrevista y la lectura de texto. La evidencia muestra un vínculo entre los parámetros acústicos de la voz y del habla y el riesgo suicida; también su utilidad en el seguimiento de ésta.

  • English

      Suicide is a worldwide health problem, with suicidal behavior being one of the predictors of suicide mortality. However, its assessment still remains complex. Although there is a large body of literature that has addressed different perspectives of suicidal behavior, new methods that allow a rapid and objective assessment are needed to provide clinicians and patients with an evaluation system that dynamically records changes in emotional states. This is why we sought to evaluate through the literature the usefulness of voice and speech measures in the detection and follow-up of suicidal behavior. This was done through a search of scientific literature in different databases: PubMed, Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, yielding1125 articles. Among the results obtained it was possible to observe that the most used tasks to evaluate voice and speech in suicidal behavior are those of free expression such as the interview and text reading. Among the methods of analysis, these can be grouped into those that seek to establish differences by contrasting acoustic measures between groups and those that use classification systems. The evidence shows a link between acoustic parameters of voice and speech and suicidal behavior and also their usefulness in the follow-up of suicidal behavior.  Therefore, it can be concluded that voice and speech parameters are associated with suicidal behavior, which would indicate that this information could be used as biomarkers of suicidal behavior allowing dynamic and remote detection of suicidal risk.

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