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Resumen de Financial Ratio Analysis to Measure Financial Performance of Cum Anugerah Bekasi Cooperative

Matdio Siahaan, Maurits Sipahutar, Tony Renhard Sinambela, Paiaman Pardede, Parel Naibaho, Rodeyar Pasaribu

  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the financial performance of the Savings and Loans Cooperative CUM Anugerah Bekasi in 2018-2020, seen from the liquidity ratio, solvency ratio, and profitability ratio.

      Design/methodology/approach: This type of research uses quantitative descriptive research, namely collecting, processing and interpreting the data obtained to provide a clear picture of the situation under study using financial formulas. The object of this research is the financial report of the CUM Anugerah Bekasi Savings and Loan Cooperative in 2018-2020.

      Findings: The results of the analysis of the Financial statements of the CUM Anugerah Bekasi Savings and Loans cooperative using financial ratio analysis are less good. So it can be concluded that the financial performance of the Savings and Loans Cooperative CUM Anugerah Bekasi.

      Research, Practical & Social implications: This study confirms the need for the ability to process a savings and loan system in cooperatives. Because employees who have quality in managing cooperatives will greatly influence the progress of cooperatives.

      Originality/value: Sustainability of short-term savings and loans Cooperatives must be fulfilled on time. because if there is an increase in congestion, the cooperative will produce less profit.

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