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Resumen de Narrar la memoria en tiempo de pandemia: el no lugar del otro en el terreno educativo

María del Socorro Oropeza Amador, Fabiola Hernández Aguirre, Misael Antonio Reyes García

  • español

    Desde su creación, la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional ha tenido, la misión de regular, fortalecer y formar profesionistas en el campo de la educación. Sin embargo, el sistema educativo mexicano, enfrentan nuevos dilemas que vienen planteándose desde hace unos años atrás. En esta circunstancia, la pandemia del Covid 19 ha venido a desnudar y hacer más visible, estos temas sociales que trastocan y vulneran el sistema educativo: la violencia estructural, las desigualdades sociales y  la discriminación.

  • English

    Since its creation, the National Pedagogical University has had the mission to regulate, strengthen and trainprofessionals in the field of education. However, the Mexican educational system faces new dilemmas thathave been posed for some years now. In this circumstance, the Covid 19 pandemic has made more visiblethese social issues that disrupt and violate the educational system: structural violence, social inequalities,discrimination, problems of gender relations, feminicide, environmental issues, among others.From our field of action, education, and the university educational system, it is a matter of establishingparadigms that transform the way students and professors think, act and live. In this predicament, voiceshave been heard from our Latin America and from diverse movements that have emerged to establish otherways of seeing education. The purpose of this article is to reflect on the search for more hopeful pedagogiesbased on interculturality, critical pedagogy and peace studies. We intend to make visible these pedagogicalpractices of the teachers of the Universidad Pedagógica 151 through their school and academic projects.

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