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Resumen de Transparência local: implicações da Lei de Acesso à Informação nos municípios da Região do Vale do Guaribas : implications of the Access to Information Law in the municipalities of the Vale do guaribas region

Antonia Juscélia Ramos, Francisco Willian Mendes, José Edemir da Silva Anjo

  • English

    The aim of this study is to fill the gap that still exists regarding transparency in the difficulties that small municipalities face in adapting to the law, given that the percentages of those who comply with the LAI requirements are still very low. Given the context presented, the present study sought to answer the following question: How are the electronic portals of the executive powers of the municipalities of Vale do Guaribas contributing to the construction of active transparency according to the assumptions of the Access to Information Law (LAI)? What motivated this study was the perception that, if on the one hand there have been significant advances in transparency, on the other hand, they are still incomplete and unequal, especially when comparing different levels of government. The methodology used was bibliographic research based on books, works such as monographs, articles and doctoral theses that dealt with the issue addressed. The results indicate that there are many challenges to be faced, mainly in the development of actions to sensitize public agents to the adoption of open government policies. The conclusions are that it was seen that with regard to the law of access to information, no municipality in Piauí regulated the application at the municipal level, this lack can be understood as a fear of promoting public transparency in its administrations considering the effects of the use of information by opponents. politicians.

  • português

    A transparência é um dos principais alicerces de uma democracia e um atributo que contribui para a percepção de uma boa gestão pública.  Nota-se ainda dificuldades que os pequenos municípios enfrentam, em se adequar à Lei de Acesso à Informação (LAI). Diante do contexto apresentado, o presente estudo objetivou-se analisar a transparência das informações divulgadas nos portais eletrônicos das cidades da macrorregião Vale do Guaribas do estado do Piauí. O que motivou este estudo foi a percepção de que, se por um lado, houve avanços significativos na transparência, por outro, eles ainda se mostram incompletos e desiguais, principalmente quando se faz uma análise comparada de diferentes níveis de governo. A metodologia utilizada foi a abordagem de cunho qualitativo. Os resultados apontam que há muitos desafios a serem enfrentados, sobretudo, no desenvolvimento de ações para sensibilizar agentes públicos à adoção de políticas de governo aberto. Foi visto que, com relação à LAI, nenhum município da região do Vale do Guaribas regulamentou a aplicação no âmbito municipal de forma plena. Essa falta pode ser entendida como um receio de promover a transparência pública, em suas administrações, considerando os efeitos do uso das informações pelos adversários políticos.

      ABSTRACT Transparency is one of the main foundations of a democracy and an attribute that contributes to the perception of good public management. It also notes the difficulties small municipalities face in adapting to the Access to Information Law (LAI). In view of the presented context, the present study was analyzed to analyze the transparency of the information disclosed in the electronic objectives of the cities of the macro-region Vale do Guaribas of the state of Piaui. What is different if, on the other hand, the perception that, on the other hand, the changes are still incomplete and unequal, mainly due to other changes, which were altered by other variations of government models. The methodology used was the qualitative approach. The results are many challenges for the adoption of sensitization policies, above all, of public agents to the adoption of public policies. It was seen that, with no relation to LAI, the municipality of the Vale do Guaribas region fully regulated the application at the municipal level. This lack can be interpreted as a receipt of public promotion in their administrations, considering the effects of the use of information by political devices.

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