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Resumen de XXI. mendeko etnomusikologiaren inguruan folklorismoaren auzia, arloaren ikasketak eta eztabaida: folklorismoaren auzia, arloaren ikasketak eta eztabaida

Igor Saenz Abarzuza

  • English

    The evolution of Ethnomusicology has been (and still is) linked to Anthropology and Musicology. Little by little, the area has found its way and has built its own solid trajectory. Its research scope has also expanded, and it shows evident influences in other related research areas. The profile of the researcher in the field has changed greatly, and while retaining some of the characteristics of the folklorist, today ethnomusicology is completely scientific-oriented. Directly related to the topic lies, the challenge of detecting the borders between folklore and folklorism. This article discusses the aforementioned matters, challenges that the field faces, and central research questions. In addition, the scattered opportunities to study ethnomusicology are explained, with a special insight in this text, about the situation in the Basque Country.

  • euskara

    Etnomusikologiaren bilakaera antropologia eta musikologiari lotuta egon da eta horrela jarraitzen du gaur egun. Arloak, pixkanaka, ibilbide propio eta sendo batekin, bere bidea aurkitu du, ikerketa-eremuak handituz eta kide dituen aipatutako alorretan eraginez. Etnomusikologoaren profilak folkloristaren ezaugarri batzuk mantentzen ditu, baino biziki aldatu da: egun, arloa guztiz zientifikoa da. Bestetik, folklore eta folklorismo terminoen arteko ertzen inguruko problematika dago. Artikulu honetan, aipatutakoaren ildotik, arloaren auzia eta dituen eztabaidak aurkezten dira. Horrez gain, etnomusikologia ikasteko dagoen aukera sakabanatua azaltzen da, Euskal Herriko egoerari hanpadura berezi bat eskainiz.

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