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Resumen de The Effects of Financial Development and Governance Quality on Economic Growth: Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries

Assef Filfilan

  • This paper investigates the effects of financial development on economic growth with especial emphasis on the role played by governance quality. An indicator of governance built from the Principal Component factor method (PCF) and which takes into account the simultaneous effects of political, institutional and economic governance, is used in mediating such relationship. The study is carried out using a two-step system dynamic GMM method for 93 developed and developing countries over the 1996–2018 period. The findings from the study revealed that the effects of financial development on economic growth various according to the nature of governance and the level of development of countries. Results show a non-significant effect of financial development on economic growth for low-income countries and a positively significant impact in middle and high-income ones. Estimations demonstrate also that good governance plays an important and significant role in mediating the finance-growth relationship. Finally, results demonstrate that there is a certain threshold level that countries must achieve to make government domestic credit to private sector favorable to economic growth.

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