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Resumen de Effect of hesperidin supplementation on blood profile, antioxidant capacity, intestinal histomorphology and fecal microbial counts in Japanese quails

Abdullah Özbilgin, Mahmut Niyazi Moğulkoç, Füsun Erhan Bayçumendur, Nazli Ercan

  • español

    La hesperidinaes un flavonoide derivado de los cítricos con usos potenciales en la alimentación animal. Se investigaron los efectos de la suplementación con hesperidina en dietas para codorniz japonesa (Codornix codornix japonica) sobre la química sanguínea, los niveles de enzimas antioxidantes en ciertos tejidos, la histomorfología intestinal y la microflora fecal. Se llevó a cabo un ensayo de alimentación durante 35 días utilizando 300 codornices. Se dividieron en tres tratamientossegún la dieta administrada: Control(0 g de hesperidina/kg de alimento);HES1 (1 g de hesperidina/kg de alimento); yHES2 (2 g de hesperidina/kg de alimento). En cada tratamiento se llevaron a cabo cinco réplicas de veinte animales cada una. Al final del periodo de estudio, se tomaron muestras de heces, sangre, hígado y tejido muscular del muslo. En sangre, la alanina transaminasa (ALT) y lalactato deshidrogenasa (LDH) fueron más bajas enHES1 que en el Control, pero aumentaron en HES2 (P<0.05). Laaspartato transaminasa (AST) en la sangre aumentó en HES1,perodisminuyó en HES2 (P<0.05). La amilasa aumentótanto en HES1 como en HES2 (P<0.05). Las enzimas antioxidantes GSH, CAT y SOD en los tejidos aumentaron(P<0.05). En el ciegoy el colon,los tratamientos con hesperidina produjeron vellosidades más altas y criptas menos profundas que en el Control (P<0.05). La presencia de la hesperidina en la dieta para codornices no afectó la microflora en las heces. Laadición de la hesperidina mostró efectos positivos en los niveles de enzimas antioxidantes en lípidos, muslos, hígado y suero, sobre la histomorfología intestinal y en la microflora fecal.

  • English

    This study was conducted to determine the effects of hesperidin, a flavonoid added to quail diets, on blood serum, enzymes in tissues, intestinal histomorphology and fecal microflora. In the study, first treatment [(control) (0g hesperidin/kg feed)], second treatment [(HES1) (1 g hesperidin/kg feed)], third treatment [(HES2) (2 g hesperidin/kg feed)] was added to with the basal diet through 35 d. The study was carried out with 3 main groups, 20 quails with 5 sub-repeats in each group and a total of 300 quails. At the end of the study, blood, liver and thigh muscle tissue and fecal samples were taken. Alanine transaminase (ALT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) decreased in the HES1 group but increased in the HES2 group compared to the control group (P<0.05). Aspartate transaminase (AST) increased in the HES1 group compared to the control group and decreased in the HES2 group (P<0.05). Amylase, on the other hand, showed a regular increase in HES1 and HES2 groups to which hesperidin was added to the control group in hesperidin added groups (P<0.05). The tissue antioxidant GSH, CAT and SOD enzyme parameters showed a significant increase in the hesperidin added groups compared to the control group, and this increase was found to be significant compared to the control group (P<0.05). In intestinal histomorphology, in hesperidin treatment groups increased the height of villus in the cecum tissue; in colon tissue, it was determined that hesperidin added groups increased villus height but decreased crypt depth (P<0.05). Consequently, diets hesperidin with treatments positively is thought to affect the lipid, thigh, liver and serum antioxidant enzyme levels, intestinal histomorphology and fecal microflora in quail.

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