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Resumen de El proceso trágico de creación: (El nacimiento de la tragedia)

Román Setton

  • The reference to the phrase in The Birth of Tragedy´s “An Attempt at Self-Criticism” that asserts that the book is based on an artist’s metaphysics is commonplace in Nietzsche criticism. In spite of this, a very small proportion of the work devoted to the text is done from a perspective that focuses on some of the many reflections regarding artistic production. In this paper we therefore attempt to show, from a perspective neglected by criticism, the strong relations between such artist’s metaphysics and the tragic process of creation. With this purpose, we will examine the specificity of the two artistic tendencies -Apollinian and Dionysian- and their relations to the artistic disciplines and literary gentes, as well as Nietzsche’s position in relation to the tradition of Gennan poetry.

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