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Resumen de Nannofossils from the Lower and Upper Cretaceous Chalk Deposits, Nettleton Lincolnshire, England

D.A. Burns

  • Nannofossil assemblages extracted from nine different beds ranging in age from Hauterivian (Tealby Clay) to Turonian (Middle Chalk) have been studied on the light and particularly the electron microscope. Nannofossils of similar age have not previously been recorded from English deposits. Some of the different species present are illustrated and paleontological notes given for some species. The species present are compared with nannofossils previously recorded from the Lower Gretaceous Specton Clay and Sutterby Marl deposits and synonomies given where necessary. Indication is given of the range of theso species in the Lincolnshire deposits. One new genus Cenorbiculus, three new species: Biscutum martellum, Cenorbiculus centriperforatus and Cretarhabdus glomarus, two new combinations: Dictyococcites parvidentata (Deflandre) and Tranolithus deflandrei (Bukry), are described and the genus description of Tranolithus is emended from observations on the electron microscope.

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