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Resumen de Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary Biostratigraphy and planktic Foraminifera of Abu El Awafi succession, Jordan

Khaled A. Hamam, John Haynes

  • Twenty-nine species and subspecies of planktic foraminiferal genera: Pseudotextularia, Elhasaella, Globotruncana, Rugoglobigerina, Globorotalia and Globigerina are discussed and illustrated from the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary Abu El Awafi succession, south of El Hasa, Jordan. Two assemblage zones are established in the Maastrichtian of this locality, a lower Globotruncana gansseri Zone and an upper G. esnehensis Zone; two in the Paleocene, a lower Globigerina daubjergensis Zone and an upper Globorotalia angulata/G. velascoensis Zone; and one in the Lower Eocene, Globorotalia subbotinae Zone. The Creta- ceous-Tertiary boundary is characterized by the abrupt change of fauna well known elsewhere.

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