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Resumen de Unlike literature, which is strongly linked to language and the nation and helped build a cultural identity, science did not wait for globalization to claim its transnational character and tends to adopt a more common or less formalized language, English serves as a previously Latin privileged communication language. The humanities and social sciences occupy an intermediate position between these two poles, the proximity to one or the other varies according to the disciplines.

Gisèle Sapiro

  • español

    A diferencia de la literatura, que está fuertemente vinculada al lenguaje y la nación y ayudó a construir una identidad cultural, la ciencia no esperó a que la globalización reclamara su carácter transnacional y tiende a adoptar un lenguaje más común o menos formalizado, el inglés sirve como idioma de comunicación privilegiado anteriormente latino. Las humanidades y las ciencias sociales ocupan una posición intermedia entre estos dos polos, la proximidad a uno u otro varía según las disciplinas.

  • English

    Unlike literature, which is strongly linked to language and the nation and helped build a cultural identity, science did not wait for globalization to claim its transnational character and tends to adopt a more common or less formalized language, English serves as a previously Latin privileged communication language. The humanities and social sciences occupy an intermediate position between these two poles, the proximity to one or the other varies according to the disciplines.

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