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Resumen de Mulleres e masonería na cidade da Coruña no século XIX

Carlos Pereira Martínez

  • galego

    Neste artigo analízase a traxectoria de varias mulleres masonas que tiveron relación coa cidade da Coruña no século XIX, ben por traballar masonicamente nela, ben por seren coruñesas e facelo noutros lugares ou porque aquí residiron ou estiveron nalgunha etapa da súa vida.

  • English

    This article analyzes the trajectory of several Freemason women who were related to the city of A Coruña in the 19th century, either because they worked Masonically in it, or because they were from A Coruña and did it in other places or because they lived here or were at some stage. of their life.

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