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Resumen de The Importance of Trust in Cultivating Employee Loyalty and Productivity in a Remote Work Environment

Rudy Harjanto, Fendy Suhariadi, Praptini Yulianti, Michael Adhi Nugroho, Novita Damayanti

  • Purpose: This study aims to interpret workers' desire, especially copywriters, to work from home while producing profitable results for the company and maintaining a competitive advantage.

      Theoretical framework: Motivation is an essential aspect of human decision-making because it motivates people to act, according to Abraham H. Maslow (2002). Motivation is an inner drive that guides a person's behavior and can be influenced by factors such as comfort, style, prestige, or a desire to fit in with others.

      Design/methodology/approach: This study uses a qualitative inductive reasoning-based exploratory technique to investigate individual experiences in the advertising industry during a pandemic. It uses a phenomenological paradigm. Creswell (2014) defines phenomenological research as a branch of economics, management, and psychology that describes participants' life experiences related to a phenomenon.

      Findings: Employee loyalty can be developed by trusting and respecting colleagues, which is essential for a pleasant work environment, especially when working remotely. Remote working has several benefits, including increased productivity, improved work-life balance, and cost savings for employees and businesses. Flexible work arrangements and focusing on employee time off can significantly impact employee loyalty, productivity, and overall competitive advantage.

      Research, Practical & Social implications: Trust and respect for their employees' time and well-being must be prioritized by transformational leaders, which can increase company loyalty, productivity, and growth.

      Originality/value: Trust and confidence in the company's leadership and mission can foster employee loyalty and a healthy work environment, even when working remotely.


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