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Resumen de Methodological Approaches to StudyingReduced Emotional Resonance in Bilinguals’ Later Learnt Language (LX)

Wilhelmiina Toivo, Christoph Scheepers

  • Reduced emotional resonance in bilinguals’ later learnt language (LX) has been studied using a number of different methodologies.This chapter reviews literature and evaluates methodologies fromthe three broad measurement strands most used when studyingbilingual emotions: physiological measurement, cognitive-behaviouralparadigms, and metacognitive measurement. Physiological measurementtechniques focus on indices of Autonomous Nervous System activationand assume that bilinguals’ physiological response will be weaker toemotionally arousing LX words and/or sentences, as opposed to L1 (e.g.Toivo & Scheepers, 2019). Physiological measurement has provided perhaps some of the strongest evidence for reduced emotional resonancein LX. Cognitive paradigms, such as Stroop tasks or Lexical Decisiontasks are most commonly used in the field, but they have provided someinconsistent findings (e.g. Altarriba & Canary, 2004; Eilola & Havelka, 2010;Fan et al., 2018). Metacognitive assessment of emotion is achieved bydirectly asking participants how they are feeling through questionnairesor interviews, or by asking the participants to rate words on theiraffective properties. This chapter will address some of the methodologicalchallenges associated with the use of the different measurement methods,and will conclude with suggestions for best practices in both the design(stimulus selection and norming) and analysis (incorporating participantanditem-related control predictors) of studies that focus on emotion wordprocessing in L1 vs. LX.

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