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Resumen de Biziarteko espetxe-zigor berrikusgarria: zigorgarritasunaren gorakada azken hamarkadetan

Mikele Lapeira Astorkia

  • English

    The punitive trend adopted by criminal policy in recent decades has reached its peak with the entry into force of the reviewable permanent prison. The Constitutional Court, through its STC 169/2021, has recognized the constitutional nature of the sentence, despite having two dissenting votes, it has had a great social impact. In the process of recognizing the admissibility of the penalty, the next point to focus on, is the European Court of Human Rights, to see whether the European Convention of Human Rights acknowledges it or not. All of the mentioned, is just a sample of the strength that punitivism has acquired in recent decades.

  • euskara

    Krimen arloko politikak azken hamarkadetan hartu duen joera zigortzailea maila gorenera iritsi da biziarteko espetxe-zigor berrikusgarria indarrean jartzean. Auzitegi Konstituzionalak zigorraren izaera konstituzionala onartu du 169/2021 epaiaren bitartez, bi boto partikular izanagatik ere, oihartzun handia izanik gizartean. Bien bitartean, zigorraren balioespenari dagokionez, hurrengo jomuga Giza Eskubideen Europar Auzitegia bilakatu da, Giza Eskubideen Europar Hitzarmenarekin bateragarria den jakiteko. Hau guztiau, noski, punitibismoak azken hamarkadetan hartu duen indarraren erakuslea besterik ez da.

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