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Resumen de Projecting sustainable design with PREDICE: Economic and environmental budgeting tool for Buildings Life Cycle

Cristina Rivero Camacho, María Desiree Alba Rodríguez, Alejandro Martínez Rocamora, Madelyn Marrero Meléndez

  • Construction in recent decades in Europe has represented a significant environmental impact, covering approximately 40% of energy consumption, and 25% solid waste generated. To all this, it must be added that many of the natural resources used are finite, and some are close to being exhausted. In order to achieve sustainability in the sector, it is necessary to replace the linear model based on “pick, use and throw away” by a circular one. In 2015, the European Commission approved the “circular economy package” that establishes guidelines to guarantee sustainable growth using resources and waste in a more intelligent and responsible way. The objectives are to optimize the use of construction products, consumption of water and energy, minimize construction and demolition waste (CDW) and promote the use of modular and industrialized elements that facilitate their reuse and recycling. Taking all these into consideration, and in order to improve the environmental performance of buildings, it is necessary to analyze them through environmental and economic indicators that quantify the magnitude of the impacts, from the extraction of raw materials, through the manufacture of products, their transport, placement, use and maintenance, and finally its management as waste.

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