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Resumen de “Diritto di accesso” alla rete internet

Angela Busacca

  • Internet and the use of technologies constitute an important element for the development of human rights, and are used daily. For this very reason, access to Internet represents the ground on which all other rights related to the use of Internet are founded.

    This paper analyses the characteristic of the right to access, starting from art. 2 of the Italian “Declaration of Rights in Internet” (that is a statement of principles drawn up by a commission of scholars and academics, without any normative value). In particular, the paper examines the most significant international court judgements (France and Costa Rica) regarding the right to access, and the first example of a general civil law on using Internet: the Brazilian “Marco Civil da internet”. With regard to the Italian situation, the paper analyses two proposals of Constitutional law to introduce a new norm concerning the fundamental right of access to Internet, into the Italian Constitution.

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