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Resumen de Calcareous algae (new and revised), microproblematicae and foraminiferida of Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous deposits from the Carpathian area

Ovidiu Dragastan

  • Calcareous algae of Seletonellaceae, Dasycladaceae and Gymnocodiaceae families are described (some for the first time), from the Carpathian Carbonate Platforms and the southern foreland, the Moesian Platform.

    The following new algae are described: Urdiporella jurassica n. gem., n. sp., Salpingoporella bucuri n. sp., Suppiluliumaella leini n. sp., S. riedeli n. sp., Trinocladus orientalis n. sp., Pseudohelioporella musakazimi n. gen., n. sp., Dissocladella bakalovae n. sp., D. urgoniana n. sp. (Family Dasycladaceae). Pseudotrinocladus n. gen. with its type species Griphoporella piae Dragastan, 1978 non 1971 (Family Dasycladaceae) is introduced.

    Several algal species, so far described by the author are revised and correctly typified. The validity of the species Salpingoporella carpathica Dragastan is discussed. Suppiluliumaella erikfluegeli Dragastan is reconsidered, while the especies Alimani is transferred to the genus Suppiluliomaella. A new morphologic study and the emendation of Megaporella fluegeli (Dragastan) are presented.

    The validity and the morphology of genera Carpathoporella Dragastan and Lacrymosphus Elliott (Microproblematicae) are discussed. A foraminiferida assemblage dominated by Labyrinthina mirabilis of the Upper Jurassic is ponted out and Trocholina ceteaensis n. sp. (Family Involutinidae), Valvulina alpina n. sp. (Family Valvulinidae) are described as new.

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