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Resumen de Circular Economy and Sustainable Consumption: An Analysis of the Experiences of the Users of the Main App to Tackle the Problem of Food Waste

Rocío Hernández Garrido, David Perea El Khalifi, Cinta Pérez Calañas, Carlos Enrique Iranzo Llopis

  • Nowadays, the development of new technologies isaffecting many sectors and looking for solutions to solve sameproblems in the cities. One of issues that new technologies isfacing is the issue of food waste because it affects to theenvironment. The circular economy offer a model to solve thisproblem. Therefore, the aim of this research is to analyse theadoption of use of Spanish users to this app. The result of theresearch show that Too Good To Go (TGTG) is highly valuedby users. Regarding to the evolution of the received reviews, itwas during 2019 when their use increased progressively untilthe beginning of the confinement of the COVID-19 pandemic.Again, at the end of 2020, the use returned to the levels prior tothe pandemic, and even reached its maximum level in October2020. Subsequently, its use has progressively decreased. Theconclusions of this study show how crucial TGTG app is inSpain as a solution to solve the issue of food waste. Besides, theresearch has relevant contributions to the literature aboutcircular and social economy.

Fundación Dialnet

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