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Resumen de Lexical creativity in modern Nahuatl: An analysis of multidialectal data

Szymon Gruda, Gregory Haimovich, John Sullivan

  • Nahuatl has a long history of contact with, and marginalization by, Spanish. Today the language shift maintains a steady pace, despite numerous initiatives for revitalization and revalorization. This paper deals with the lexical creativity of Nahuatl speakers. As a result of the fieldwork of our research team in six communities in Mexico, we have amassed rich data concerning neologisms that designate objects and concepts imported from European culture. Unlike most studies on language contact in Nahuatl, we choose to focus not on the morphosyntactic strategies of lexicogenesis, or on phenomena of matter and/or pattern borrowing, but on the conceptual structure of neologisms, applying the onomasiological theory of word-formation. We argue that, while language endangerment and the lack of an obvious need for lexicogenesis may cause some productivity patterns to go dormant, these do not necessarily become eradicated. Moreover, innovative patterns of word-formation may come to light when lexical creativity is triggered.

Fundación Dialnet

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