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Resumen de Il palindromo metaforico tra Vico e Derrida

Andrea Calzolari

  • The Metaphorical Palindrome between Vico and Derrida. The paper is focused on metaphor in philosophical discourse, taking its cue from Vico’s De Constantia Jurisprudentis (chap. v, ii), where the philosopher describes the sequence of metaphors by which the word ‘property’ (proprietas) comes at its own literal meaning, meaning who nevertheless is a trope in comparison with the original expression. This path from metaphoric to proper meaning and vice versa, a palindromic loop, is indeed the temporal development of the originary paradox: to admit the improper meaning of that same notion of ‘property’, in the light of which to explain the tropes. Such a paradox, if interpreted as a derridean undecidable, could become a textual resource.

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