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Resumen de Comunes, rotes i sorts: les terres des Torrent Fals

Maria del Camí Dols Martorell

  • català

    EI present treball es un estudi transversal sobre algunes variables que intervenien en l'estructura del camp mallorquí, i de com quedaven plasmades, concretament, en l'explotació agrícola des Torrent Fals, al llarg dels segles XVI i XVII. Aquest fet ha conduit a centrar-se en la composici6 de les terres, quins tipus de sistemes de conreu s'implantaren i quina relació va existir entre arrendataris i arrendadors.

  • English

    Throughout history, a part of the Mallorcan countryside was drawn by common lands, roots and lands. In the case of Santa Maria del Carnf, through this investigation, we want to bear witness to the existence, between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, of common lands, located in the possession of Torrent False, in the Buc's plan. Those who belonged to the University of Santa Maria, and were administered by the jury of the said institution. From an exhaustive documentary emptying, it has been found that the community of Raiguer shared common lands, how it was used, for whom they were administered and for whom or what was intended for their production.

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