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Resumen de A simple coring device for the recovery of Microfossils from Cohesive Sediment

Mervin Kontrovitz, Jerry Marie Slack, Ian Boomer

  • An inexpensive coring device was developed with plastic (PVC) pipe for use in cohesive sediment. Six feet of three inch diameter pipe is driven to a depth of three feet into the sediment and used as a guide. Two inch or 50 mm pipe is driven down through the guide pipe. The first convenient interval of the two inch pipe with sediment is withdrawn. Pipe recovery is accomplished by cementing a PVC "T"-joint of the same diameter to the top of the two inch coring pipe. A metal rod is inserted horizontally through the "T" and twisted with upward pressure. The pipe with the sediment sample is cut off. Then, a PVC "T"-joint is cemented to the still protruding pipe remaining in the sediment for recovery of more pipe.

    By re-entering the coring hole with two inch pipe, multiple, sequentially deeper samples can be obtained; pipe can be added with pipe connectors and PVC cement.

    We have used the method with success in ponds, rivers, lakes, marshes, and at wet archaeological sites.

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