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Resumen de Circunstancias familiares y ocupaciones de Juan Osorio y Lucrecia Uque: un matrimonio en el Garachico del S. XVI

Carmen Rosa Escobar Suárez

  • español

    El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar el estudio de una familia que supo adaptarse a su entorno en Garachico a finales del siglo XVI.

    Juan Osorio, sastre comerciante, y su esposa Lucrecia Uque supieron aprovechar los cambios que se estaban dando en estos momentos para conseguir un estatus social que, en otra época y sociedad, no habrían podido alcanzar.

  • English

    The aim of this research is exhibit a study of a family who knew how to adapt to their environment in Garachico at the end of the 16th century. Juan Osorio, a merchant tailor, and his wife Lucrecia Uque were able to take advantage of the changes that were taking place at this time to achieve a social status that, in another era and society, they would not have been able to attain.

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