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Resumen de Towards a New Model of Consumer Purchasing Intention of Smart Products During Crises Times; Case of Covid-19 Pandemic Outbreak: an Applied Study on Female Employees of the Faculty of Economic and Business Administration Sciences

Tarkan Hussein Dawood, Mohammed Jadan Hammad, Marwan Rashid Hammood

  • Purpose: This study aims to clear the effects of crises, disasters, and pandemics on customers' buying intentions; case of smart products during (Covid-19 pandemic outbreak). The study was applied on a sample of working women at the College of Economic and Administrative Sciences at the University of Baghdad for identifying their purchasing behavior.

      Theoretical framework: The researcher reviewed related references and researches to crystalize theoretical frame work for completing this study.

    Design/methodology/approach:  The researcher applied the analytical descriptive approach, using a random sample of female students of faculty of Economics and Business Administration Sciences; for collecting primary data; using (LIKERT’s five graded questionnaire).

      Findings:  The study findings cleared that Corona Epidemic (Covid-19) had negative effects on all economic, social, and environmental activities; in the form of complete or partial closure; there for there was a clear shortage in the supply of products and services; which minimizes satisfying the customers’ effective demand of various products and services.

      Research Practical & Social implications: Final findings of this study supported other studies’ findings. It is cleared that consumers changed their purchasing behavior during (Covid-19) out break; they turned to e-marketing purchasing behavior that was not widely used before the spread of the epidemic (Covid-19), and therefore there was a change in purchasing intention, in order to avoid infection. Findings cleared that it is necessary to wide applications of e-marketing during crises times in all aspects.

      Originality/value: This study didn't contain any part of any other published study of any other person, nor materials which has been accepted for possessing any scientific degree of any university.

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