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Resumen de Giulio Lasso e il dibattito sulla fabbrica della chiesa e convento della Madonna dei Rimedi dei Carmelitani Scalzi a Palermo

Maria Mercedes Bares

  • A recent discovery in the General Archive of the Order of Discalced Carmelites in Rome which consists of a report signed by the engineer of the kingdom Giulio Lasso describes the problems that arose during the beginning of the construction of the ecclesiastical complex, completely coinciding and comparable with what reported by the Carmelite theologian Pietro di Sant’Andrea in his Historiae Generalis so far considered a primary source and cited by all subsequent chroniclers (e.g. Antonino Mongitore).

    In the document, written entirely in Spanish, entitled Las razones que alegan los que dicen ser de inconveniente la fabrica que se hace de la Madre de Dios de los Remedios de Religiosos Carmelitas de Scalzos son las siguientes y lo que se responde Giulio Lasso minutely exposes and refutes the reasons of those who strongly opposed the construction of the ecclesiastical complex located in a strategic place outside the city walls in front of the bastion that guarded the Royal Palace between the Porta Nuova and the Porta di Castro right at the beginning of the road that led to Monreale. The main argument posed by the antagonists was in fact that the building could in practice become a fort in the event of a siege.

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