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Resumen de Euskararen hasiera Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatean. 1977 /78-1978/79-1979/80

Juan Luis Goikoetxea Arrieta, Udane Goikoetxea Bilbao

  • euskara

    Euskararen hasiera, genesia, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatean -orduan Bilboko Unibertsitatea-1977/78-1978/79-1979/80ko hirurtekoan. Euskara-klaseen koordinatzaileok akuilu eta uztarri izan ginen unibertsita-ikasleen borondatezko giroan. Erakundeko arduradunen eta unibertsitateko irakasleen jarrerak, jokabideak. Postfrankismoko euskara prelegala unibertsitateko curriculumean: Irakasle Eskolan, Ekonomia eta Enpresa Fakultatean eta Arte Ederren Fakultatean.

  • English

    The beginning, the genesis of the Basque language classes at the University of the Basque Country -back then, the University of Bilbao-, during the years 1977/78-1978/79-1979/80. As coordinators of the Basque language classes, we were the stimulus and the link of the students, in the volunteering atmosphere that was created among the students at the university. The attitude and behaviour of university leaders and teachers. The pre-legal Basque language in the university currículum: the Teacher Training School of Bilbao, the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Fine Arts.

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