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Hizkuntza bariazioa eta erantzun anitzak

  • Autores: Gotzon Aurrekoetxea Olabarri
  • Localización: Traineru bete lagun: Iñaki Gaminde omenduz / Aintzane Etxebarria Lejarreta (aut.), Aitor Iglesias Chaves (aut.), Hiart Legarra (aut.), Asier Romero Andonegui (aut.), 2018, ISBN 978-84-9082-972-1, págs. 171-189
  • Idioma: euskera
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  • Resumen
    • English

      This contribution analyzes the linguistic-side of the multiple responses. Except in sporadic cases, the traditional dialectology has not taken into account the existence of multiple responses. When they have been studied they have received two designations: 'polymorphism' and 'synonymous '; the first name is used when the researcher gathers two variants of one grammatical feature and the second one when he finds two different words, instead of only one. When gatheering data with traditional survey methodology it is hard to collect more than one answer for one question, and it is even less probable when the 'first answer theory' is applied. Nevertheless, when the survey methodology has been changed and the interviewer inquires into the given answer asking for more details, the hidden wealth and the abundance of the different forms hanged on to the oral speech appear, and often the same speaker can give more answers, instead of one.

      Multiple responses can appear in all language categories, they can be lexical or grammatical features. However, there are sorne conditions where two answers could be taken as multiple response: no social or stylistic factors can influence the appearance of two responses. For this reason, it can be said that it is until now undermarcate variation, because it does not depend on geolinguistics factors, neither on sociolinguistics, nor stylistics.

    • euskara

      Artikuluan zehar erantzun anitzen (herri berean galdera baten erantzun bat baino gehiago jasotzea) arazoaren hizkuntza aldeea aztertzen da. Erantzun anitzen izaera ez da aintzat hartua izan dialeaktologia tradizionalean, salbuespen batzuk kenduta. Aztertu dutenen artean bi izendapen jaso ditu: 'polimorfismoa´ eta `sinonimoa´, lehena hitz edo gramatika ezaugarri baten aldaera bat jaso denean eta bigiarrena hitz desberdina jaso izan denean. Ohiko inkesta-metodologiarekin datuak bildu direnean nekez agertu izan da erantzun bat baino gehiago eta gutxiago 'lehen kolpearen teoria' indarrean egon denean. Aldiz, datu-bilketarako metodología aldatu denean ahozko hizkeretan dagoen aberastasuna agertu da, maiz hiztun berak emandako erantzun bakarraren ordez, bi eta gehiago era jaso delarik.

      Erantzun anitzak hizkuntzaren edozein sailetan ager litezke, lexikoan zein gramatikan. Gainera, ez da faktore soziolinguistiko edo estilistikoen eraginez sortua. Hori dela eta, orain arte ondo zedarritu gabeko bariazioa dela ondorioztatzen da, ez baitu ez bariazio geolinguistikoarekin zerikusirik, ezta bariazio soziolinguistikoarekin, zein bariazio estilistikoarekin.

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