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Resumen de Implementación de un laboratorio remoto en física

Ana Irene Ruggeri, Claudia Beatriz Anriquez

  • Education is experiencing great changes influenced by the advancement of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), one of these advances is the Remote Laboratories (LR), which are being used in science and engineering education, and they allow real experiments through the internet, becoming tools that allow supporting face-to-face teaching. The objective of the experience was to promote pedagogical strategies to improve the teaching and learning conditions in the Physics laboratory area of the FCEyT Engineering careers, which contribute to digital competences and to apply in courtrooms within the province, and in which it is not feasible to move the equipment of the laboratory, applying resources provided by the ICT. The proposal implemented allowed the teaching team to adapt to this new practice, responding to the background on the subject that the Faculty carries out.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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