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Resumen de Impactos da educação empreendedora na intenção empreendedora: análise pelo método Pro Know-C

Errol Fernando Zepka Pereira Junior, Rogerio Tadeu de Oliveira Lacerda, Pedro Antônio de Melo

  • English

    The impacts of entrepreneurial education (EE) on entrepreneurial intention (IE) have been widely discussed in the literature. Despite several studies, there is still a lack of consensus in the area, since there are studies affirming the positive relationship between EE and IE, while other studies show evidence of the opposite. This research aims to analyze the impacts that entrepreneurial education has on entrepreneurial intention and aims to identify in the literature a relevant bibliographic portfolio aligned with the theme. The Proknow-C methodology was used for the selection and bibliometric analysis of the articles. Among the results are: (i) a BP composed of 23 articles aligned with the theme and with evidence of scientific recognition; (ii) Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice; Journal of Business Venturing; Journal of Small Business Management; Education and Training; Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development; International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal; and Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, as the most prominent on the subject; (iii) of the 50 authors related to BP, Paul Westhead stands out, with 2 articles in the sample; (iv); the keywords most commonly found in BP articles are “Entrepreneurial intention” and “Entrepreneurship education”, followed by the terms “Entrepreneurship” and “Theory of planned behavior”. The results obtained contribute to new studies related to the topic and offer a replicable process for updating it.

  • português

    Os impactos da educação empreendedora (EE) na intenção empreendedora (IE) vêm sendo discutidas amplamente na literatura. Apesar dos diversos estudos, ainda há falta de consenso na área, uma vez que existem estudos afirmando a relação positiva da EE na IE, enquanto outras pesquisas apresentam evidências do oposto. Esta pesquisa tem como escopo analisar os impactos que a educação empreendedora tem na intenção empreendedora, e visa identificar na literatura um portfólio bibliográfico relevante e alinhado à temática. A metodologia Proknow-C foi utilizada para a seleção e análise bibliométrica dos artigos. Entre os resultados estão: (i) um PB composto por 23 artigos alinhados ao tema e com evidências de reconhecimento científico; (ii) o Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice;

    Journal of Business Venturing; Journal of Small Business Management; Education and Training;

    Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development; International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal; e Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, como os mais proeminentes no assunto; (iii) dos 50 autores relacionados ao PB, destaca-se Paul Westhead, com 2 artigos na amostra;

    (iv); as palavras-chave mais comumente encontradas em artigos de PB são “Entrepreneurial intention” e “Entrepreneurship education”, seguidas dos termos “Entrepreneurship” e “Theory of planned behaviour”. Os resultados obtidos contribuem para novos estudos relacionados ao tema e oferecem um processo replicável para sua atualização.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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