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Resumen de Los imaginarios colectivos en la representación social de la ciencia

Miguel Zapata Clavería

  • The scientific culture in a society can be measured by the understanding and assessment that the whole citizenship has about the practices, knowledge and scientific productions, such as the influence that science has over the daily decisions of the population. The studies about social representation are an important theoretical framework to map the scientific culture. This works aims to establish a classification about the social representations based on the rational aspects as well as the imaginary ones that condition the beliefs and attitudes about the science. With this proposal will become apparent the importance having the generation of metaphors, symbols and the other imaginary elements in the configuration of the social representation. Also can be include, against the perspectives that considerate that these symbolic devices just simplify and deform the scientific contents that are ineludible elements in order to produce legitimist knowledge and to develop a healthy scientific culture.

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