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Resumen de Extensive hyperdense zone in the mandible. A case report.

Magdalena Molina de la Galarza, Valeria Romero, Darío Domínguez, José Aguilar, Arturo Fuentes

  • Hyperdense zones are considered a generic term to define an area of increased density regardless of its cause. Idiopathic hyperdense zones are referred in literature as enostosis, focal osteosclerosis, periapical osteopetrosis or bone scar and are found as imaging finding during a rutine radiograph. They have greater predilection for long bones, but can also appear in the maxillary bones in certain occasions, often located in the jaw, especially in the molar region, with an informed incidence rate that varies from 2,3 to 9,7% depending on the population in which the study is being applied. In 40% of the cases, in spite of being of idiopathic origin, they seem to be associated with patients with occlusal trauma or can be a result of a predominant development of isolated bone during bone growth. The case of a 36-year-old female patient is described, who presents hyperdensity that differs in form, location and imaging features from the commonly documented in this type of anatomical variations. It was diagnosed as idiopathic osteosclerosis, periodic imaging controls were established. The purpose of this case report is to emphasize the importance of performing an appropriate differential diagnosis among hyperdense lesions at maxillofacial level.

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