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Resumen de El ámbito de desarrollo local de la Comunitat Valenciana (España),: un modelo dualizado

Juli Antoni Aguado i Hernàndez, Ricardo Calvo Palomares, Enric Sigalat Signes

  • español

    La observación diacrónica de las políticas de desarrollo local de la provincia de Valencia(España) muestra la progresiva transferencia en materia de gestión y control de dichaspolíticas del Estado a las regiones, sobre la base de los discursos sobre la dimensiónterritorial del empleo. Sin embargo, el modelo de desarrollo local valenciano, desdesu nacimiento hace cuatro décadas, experimenta una significativa dualización. Éstase detecta en factores como el tamaño de las agencias, la antigüedad de las mismasy la experiencia de los/as agentes, con efectos negativos para la planificación ygestión del desarrollo y para el territorio. Mediante una aproximación por medio de unaencuesta basada en parejas de ítems bipolares a los/as técnicos/as AEDL (actorespresentes en el territorio), la principal aportación del trabajo que se presenta es quedicha dualización permite definir determinados escenarios con unas características

  • English

    The diachronic observation of local development policies in the province of Valencia(Spain) shows the progressive transfer of management and control of these policiesfrom the State to the regions, based on the discourses on the territorial dimensionof employment. However, the Valencian local development model, since its birth fourdecades ago, has experienced a significant dualisation. This can be detected in factorssuch as the size of the agencies, their seniority and the experience of the agents, withnegative effects for development planning and management and for the territory. Bymeans of a survey based on pairs of bipolar items to the AEDL technicians (actorspresent in the territory), the main contribution of the work presented here is that thisdualisation makes it possible to define certain scenarios with specific characteristicsthat allow us to glimpse an underlying “itinerary” through which the different territoriesand their actors specialised in the management and planning of local development pass:(a) initial consolidation phase, in which they orient their objectives towards “doing”; (b)intermediate, focused on the effectiveness of the process, in which the “how” it is doneacquires priority; and (c) maturity, of generating their own methodologies and ways ofdoing, covering the objectives from the point of view of operational effectiveness. Thesetrajectories show the identification of the activity with the professional who carries it outand, above all, lead to the appearance of the dualisation indicated or, where appropriate,its minimisation.

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