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Resumen de Gazteen jarrera ikus-entzunezko edukiekin, nola telebistan hala Interneten

Idoia Astigarraga Agirre, Amaia Pavón Arrizabalaga, Aitor Zuberogoitia Espilla

  • English

    This article examines the different forms of consumption and interaction that young people employ with television and online video content. The aim of this study is to know whether audience behaviour changes depending on the type of medium. The study presents the most significant statistical results of a survey of 475 young students conducted at Mondragon University. After carrying out a factorial analysis and two multiple generalized linear regressions, our results show that it is statistically impossible to describe audience attitude as a dichotomy between passive television viewers and active internet users.

  • euskara

    Ikerketa honek gazteek ikus-entzunezko edukiekin daukaten harremana du aztergai, nola ohiko telebistan hala Interneten. Ikerlanaren helburua da jakitea ea audientziaren jarrera aldatzen den hedabidearen arabera. Artikuluak Mondragon Unibertsitateko 475 gazteren artean egindako inkesta baten emaitza esanguratsuenak azaltzen ditu. Faktore-analisi bat eta bi erregresio anizkoitz orokortu egin ondoren, ateratako ondorio nagusia da estatistikoki ezin dela lotu telebistaren kontsumoa audientziaren jarrera pasiboekin, ezta Internet bidez ikus-entzunezkoak kontsumitzea jarrera aktiboekin ere.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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