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Resumen de El bienestar laboral de los profesionales de la medicina: una comparativa iberoamericana

Javier Crespo Sánchez

  • español

    El proceso de modernización del trabajo en el ámbito de la sanidad iberoamericana, fruto de tendencias globalizadoras y postfordistas, ha producido profundas transformaciones de las condiciones del trabajo y del sentido del servicio público. Estas circunstancias indujeron al planteamiento de la pregunta principal, objeto de este estudio: ¿Cómo las nuevas condiciones de trabajo impuestas por el New Management sanitario influyen en el bienestar laboral de los profesionales de la medicina? El estudio articuló un diseño mixto que combinó metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa en el cual participaron 281 profesionales de la medicina -47,7% de España y 52,3% de América Latina-. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la tendencia general a una valoración moderadamente positiva de las condiciones de trabajo y del bienestar laboral general, contrapesada por sentimientos y percepciones ambivalentes hacia el contexto y la propia experiencia laboral. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos estudiados, destacando una valoración más positiva del bienestar laboral del grupo latinoamericano.AbstractThe modernization of work processes in the Ibero American health service, as a result of globalization and postfordists mega-trends, has dramatically transformed working conditions and sense of public service. These circumstances have led to the main question in this study: How have new working conditions imposed by the new health management influenced on the well-being of health professionalsat their workplace? 281 Health professionals, 47,7% from Spain and 52,3% from Latin America have participated in this study. A mixed design combining qualitative and quantitative methodology was applied. Results showed a general tendency towards a moderate positive appraisal of working conditions and general well-being at the workplace, counterbalanced by ambivalent feelings and perceptions about the context and individual work experience. Significant differences between the two groups were found, with higher positive appraisal of well-being at the workplace among the Latin American group.

  • English

    The modernization of work processes in the Ibero American health service, as a result of globalization and postfordists mega-trends, has dramatically transformed working conditions and sense of public service. These circumstances have led to the main question in this study: How have new working conditions imposed by the new health management influenced on the well-being of health professionalsat their workplace? 281 Health professionals, 47,7% from Spain and 52,3% from Latin America have participated in this study. A mixed design combining qualitative and quantitative methodology was applied. Results showed a general tendency towards a moderate positive appraisal of working conditions and general well-being at the workplace, counterbalanced by ambivalent feelings and perceptions about the context and individual work experience. Significant differences between the two groups were found, with higher positive appraisal of well-being at the workplace among the Latin American group.

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