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Resumen de Heidegger e la "questione" ontoteologica

Francesco Mora

  • Starting from the relations between J.F. Courtine and A. Fabris, the short essay examines the question of metaphysics as onto-theology in Heidegger’s philosophy. The theological problem revolves around Heideggerian Denkweg, starting from the early works in which the presence of Aristotle, Paul of Tarsus, Augustine, Luther and Kierkegaard are key. The metaphysical problem of the divine and the sacred emerges in the courses dedicated to Hölderlin, in Nietzsche’s “death of God” and in the thought on the “last God” in the Beiträge. But it is in the Conference on Identität und Differenz that clearly outlines the onto-theological constitution of metaphysics. If God is present in philosophy as causa sui only a “step back” (Schritt zurück) in thought allows you to see the authentic difference between Be and being.

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