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Resumen de A critical perspective on the “construction” of alegally-binding instrument under the united nationsconvention of the law of the sea on the conservationand sustainable use of marine biological diversity ofareas beyond national jurisdiction

Manuel Pacheco Coelho, María Rosas Borges, José Zorro Mendes, Isabel Mendes Cabeçada

  • The problems of “unfinished business” of the new Law of the Sea - UNCLOS (1982), namely, the imprecise definitionof use rights in the areas of High Seas adjacent to the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs), and the consequentdifficulties in the management of the straddling stocks, made the origins of a lot of “fish wars”, in the 90s. The U. N.Agreement (1995) on Transboundary Stocks and Highly Migratory Species pretended to be a formula of cooperationamong interested states.Although some interesting results, the 95 Agreement continues to be the motive of discussion. In 2015, the UnitedNations’ delegates took a historic step towards the management of international commons: they agreed to launcha formal preparatory process for a global and legally binding instrument for the management and conservation ofthe oceans’ resources beyond the limits of the EEZs and to address the fundamental question of marinegovernance.The purpose of this paper is to notice and discuss the steps that were made in this direction and to stress, by usingGame Theory, a critical perspective about the rationale and the results of the negotiations.In the case of Portugal, a controversial related issue is highlighted: the possible enlargement of EEZs and therehabilitation of the juridical and economical statute of the Continental Platform. In the context of Portuguesefisheries, extension of EEZs would have, perhaps, undesirable effects. Portugal would lose fishing opportunities forlong distance fleet, without granting additional benefits or resources, given the closeness of the Platform

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