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Resumen de Historiaurre Hurbila arku atlantikoan giza aztarnen zuzeneko datazioen bidez

Miriam Cubas Morera, Izaro Quevedo-Semperena, Urko Santamaría Diaz, Angel Armendáriz Gutiérrez, Jesús Tapia Sagarna, Asier Gómez Olivencia

  • español

    The Basque Coast is located in the Cantabrian region, a rich coastal area that forms part of the Bay of Biscay.. In this area, a high population density during the Mesolithic has been recorded prior to the first arrival of farming practices, dating back around 5500 BC. However, we have poor information about the consolidation of agriculture and livestock in the subsequent millennia despite the pioneering activity of José Miguel de Barandiaran and his early excavations in some of the most emblematic archaeological sites. The objective of this paper, is therefore to establish the chronology and cultural concordance that occurred after this initial contact, covering a period between 5550-750 cal BC, which culturally corresponds to the Neolithic and the end of the Bronze Age. To address this goal, we present a set of new radiocarbon dates for this area.

  • euskara

    Euskal itsasaldea Bizkaiko Golkoan aurkitzen da, Kantauriar eskualde emankorrean. Bertan, Mesolitoko azken ehiztari-biltzaileen hazkunde demografikoaren ostean, lehen nekazaritzarekin izandako kontaktua Kristo aurreko 5500 urte inguruan eman zen. Hala ere, ondorengo milurtekoetarako, gutxi dakigu nekazaritza eta abeltzaintzaren sendotze prozesuari buruz, On Jose Miguel de Barandiaran aitzindaria goiz jardun bazen ere aztarnategi arkeologiko enblematikoenak industen. Lan honen helburua, hasierako harreman horren ondorengo kronologia eta komunztadura kulturala zehaztea da, Kristo aurretik kalibratuta 5500-750 urte tartea hartuz, eta kulturalki Neolitoaren eta Brontze Aroaren amaierarekin bat datorrena.

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